A short reflection on what I’ve learned so far after blogging for a year.
I’ve been writing on my blog Cooking Therapy for a year, and I honestly have to admit it’s one of the best things I have ever done. So to commemorate this one year anniversary, I wanted to share a few things I’ve learn so far about blogging and about the social media influencer space.
Instagram is King
The thing that surprised me the most is what a powerhouse Instagram is in the social media influencer world. I have always loved using Instagram for personal purposes since its inception, but seeing how its become this influential marketing tool has blown my mind. Essentially, if you are an influencer or you want to be, you HAVE TO be on Instagram. The beauty of this product and why it has been so key for influencers is its accessibility. It is extremely simple to use. One picture, one caption, a few hashtags, and you’re done! This simplicity allows users to easily share their lives with their followers and for their followers to easily follow along. Every single influencer event that I’ve been to talks about how to use Instagram to meet your needs. Given the amount of investment in this platform, I don’t believe it’s influence on this space is going away any time soon.
Blogging is a Full Time Job
What I didn’t understand about blogging before I started is that it takes a ton of work to produce high quality content. There is a lot that goes into 1 blog post. First I usually think about what I want to make and if that would resonate with my followers. I then have to get all the ingredients, keeping in mind how I want to photograph my dish. This could mean getting extra ingredients to use in my shots. On my blogging day which is usually Sunday, I cook the food and set up my shot. After taking my pictures, I edit my pictures and write my post. All in all, this takes anywhere from 5–7 hours depending on how complex the recipe is.
Network, Network, Network
Networking is important in any industry. It’s always who you know that gets you the job. In blogging, networking is important because it helps you grow your following. Talking about Instagram specifically, people’s followers will more likely find you if they are following you. For bloggers or influencers that have higher follower counts, they will probably only follow you if you build a connection with them in person as they get tons of new followers everyday. They also become resources you can turn to for help. In addition to helping me with my blog, networking in this space has also also allowed me to meet people that help me in my day job. I live in San Francisco, so more than likely most of the people I meet will work in my industry — tech. Therefore, many of people I meet through my blog in San Francisco will be a part of this industry. As a bonus, I don’t really have to think about how I can connect with them as we already have something in common!
It’s All About Community
I’ve been living in San Francisco for 4 years, and I have been trying to figure out how I can build my own community here. I’m not talking about a community with my close friends, but one where I could share something I am truly passionate about. I didn’t find that until I started blogging. The people I’ve met who are as passionate about food as I am are some of the kindest and coolest people I have ever met. And honestly, I don’t think this would be as enjoyable without them. It’s crazy to me how you can build a tentative connection with someone online, and then you meet them in person, and it feels like you’ve known them for years. I gotta say this is probably the most rewarding part of this experience so far.